Monday, December 23, 2024

Joy need not be rare


Joy is the rarest and most infallible sign of the presence of God.  Leon Bloy


Anticipation grows on this Christmas Eve Eve.  As our inner-eight-year-old gazes at the presents under the tree with excitement building.  Yesterday, we lit the candle of joy.  You heard some of the places our leadership were surprised by joy this last year.  Where have you tasted, heard, experienced and encountered joy in December?   I hope you will make a list.


I tasted joy in Christmas cookies and ordinary bowls of soup that warmed my stomach/soul on chilly Florida days (which is anything below 60 degrees for my northern friends).  I tasted joy in the morning bowls of cereal after a walk.  I tasted joy in peanut butter sandwiches with a side of carrots.  I tasted joy in potlucks and in cups of coffee with friends. 


I heard joy in singing Christmas carols with gusto on Sundays and in silent nights staring at the twinkling lights on our tree.  I heard joy in the sound of my college-aged kids’ voices when they came in the door for Christmas break.  I heard joy in the words of love shared with my wife.  I heard joy in conversations in our church. 


I experienced joy looking at Christmas lights while listening to the Piano Guys music.  I experienced joy in holding my wife’s hand.  I experienced joy in wrapping presents for my family.  I experienced joy afternoon naps.  I experienced joy in reading books.  I experienced joy in being out in creation.


I encountered joy in the warm handshakes and hugs of family and friends and you at the back door of the church.  I encountered joy in Bible Studies and faithful conversations.  I encountered joy in car trips and putting together Lego sets (including the Notre Dame cathedral set!). 


In some way, I agree with Bloy’s quote above, that joy is rare ~ but maybe that is because I have not trained my eye to spy all the ways God is moving.  God can be subversive and subtle with weaving a thread of joy into my life.  I get caught up in the brokenness and trying to fix/save everything ~ which is to say everyone ~ even though that is not in my job description.  I am called to show up.  I am called to witness to a love that never lets us go and sees all as created in God’s image.  I am called to sing a song that draws the circle wide.  And in those moments, even when it is hard, there is a holy joy that is the infallible sign, God is here.  May joy be infused and inspired as the seconds tick closer to Christmas.  Amen.

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