Thursday, October 31, 2024

Prayer for this All Hallow's Eve


Prayer for Halloween ~ God, You hold us and know us better than we know ourselves, be with us this day.  We know that too often we get caught in ways of being that feel like shoes too tight on our feet.  We long to be grounded and guided by You in how we show up, but at the same time we need approval and acceptance from our tribes.  Help us, O God, for we don’t always know what the next right step is.  The thick fog that clouds our thinking can make it hard to be certain which way we are going.  Our ears thick with the noise of the world can make it difficult to hear Your still singing voice.  Our souls are confounded by all the “advice” can make it nearly impossible to know whether what we are sensing is a nudge from You or slight indigestion.  Help us.  Hold us, and all the costumes we wear.  Guild us as we turn toward the last two months of the year.  In the name of the One who promises to abide with us, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

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