Friday, September 27, 2024

Gospeling Your Life


Chapter 5 of Luke’s gospel mixes moments of calling disciples and healing ~ which I find beautiful invitation to how we live and practice service amid our humanness.  Henri Nouwen coined the phrase “wounded healer”.  Nouwen described how we all have the scars of the world and through our brokenness (woundedness/hurt) we might find ways to bless others.  One quick reminder, that to be called as a disciple (or student or apprentice or follower) of a rabbi in Jesus’ day was a high honor.  Some scholars suggest it is like Harvard or Morehouse College sending me a letter saying, “Congratulations, come study here” out of the blue ~ without applying.  The disciples were minding their own business, going about their ordinary Wednesday activity, when this itinerant rabbi wanders past and invites them to follow.  Nouwen would say that we have moments each day when Jesus wanders/shows up in our life calling us.  In our hyper productive, addicted to our screens, busy life, we can miss these moments.  I say that not to guilt you or me but I need reminders to stay awake and alert to practice the presence of God (see the sermon from September 1).  How might Jesus be calling you over the tumult of these days?  As I read chapter 5, I hear the hymn, “The Summons”.  Here is my favorite verse from that hymn ~ as a prayer for you, “Will you love the ‘you’ you hide if I but call your name?  Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?  Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around. Through sight and touch and sound in you and you in Me?”  Read and re-read these words as Jesus continues to call us to be partners, collaborators, in service to the world God so loves.  Amen.  

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