Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Gospeling Your Life with Matthew 3-4


Jesus returns from Egypt and Matthew whisks us away to the wilderness, where we meet John the Baptizer.  Like Mark, John is an odd character, a bit like that relative on your family tree who is a reclose and you are not quite sure how to react to him/her/them.  Yet, John was also charismatic enough to get people off the couch, to stop surfing Netflix, and come to the wilderness.  John’s passionate pleading gets people to wade in the water. John is not subtle, the whole “brood of vipers” in 3:7 isn’t exactly going to win friends or influence people.  As Jesus is baptized, we see God’s claim and name of Jesus as beloved.  This is still your name when you are baptized.  Note that baptism isn’t being ushered into the “good life”.  Rather Jesus is driven (by the Spirit) into the wilderness where there is fasting and temptation.  I think of St. Teresa, who while crossing a stream, fell into ice cold water, drenching her.  Teresa shook a fist at God (see even the saints do that!  You are not the only one).  She cried out, “God if this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so few!”  That story makes me laugh, but there is a kernel of truth that there is no money back guarantee in faith.  Faith is not an equation where good deeds/right beliefs equal the good life.  There are trials and temptations, there are twists and turns that leave us disoriented and dizzy.  There is a rollercoaster of life.  Jesus experienced this and Jesus calls us as disciples (or students) into this path that isn’t smooth as an interstate, but as rough and rocky as climbing a mountain.  Sit with the truths of chapters 3-4 and let these words sink, settle, sing and saturate your soul, heart, and life this day.  Amen.

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