Friday, September 6, 2024

Gospeling Your Life according to Mark 9-10


Chapter 9 in Mark’s Gospel begins with the Transfiguration, or transformation, of Jesus.  This takes place on a mountain ~ the setting is important.  Moses received the 10 Commandments on a mountain, Elijah heard the still, small voice of God on a mountain, and in Isaiah a mountain is where all God’s people will stream to in God’s kin-dom.  Mountains matter.  Here, Jesus foreshadows resurrection and a truth ~ new life that is possible.  I love how Jesus and Moses and Elijah have a committee meeting there ~ oh if only one of the disciples had taken minutes so we knew what they chatted about!  Jesus tells Peter, James, and John not to tell anyone about this, an echo of the Messianic secret we talked about on Tuesday.  I wonder if Peter, James, and John kept quiet?  Could they keep their mouths shut about an encounter and experience of the sacred?  Or when Jesus went off to the store for a smoothie for lunch did they spill the beans to the others?  “You will never believe what we just saw!!”  How we share, what we share, the stories we tell and the secrets we keep ~ all that matters and makes up the cake recipe of your life right now.  Let this simmer in your soul. 


Chapter 9 ends with such a human scene, the disciples arguing about who is the greatest.  This might be funny if it wasn’t so heartbreakingly true still today.  We love to rate and rank; we want to know whether our post is getting more likes than someone else’s.  We compare and compete and complain about others, especially if they seem smarter or thinner or better in any way.  Oh, we all have the sandals of the disciples here.  And Jesus challenges us not to seek the fame and spotlight, but the servant-heart and sidelines where children are found.  In Jesus’ day, children were seen as a burden, not a blessing.  They were another mouth to feed and there was no guarantee that the child would live and thrive and contribute to the household.  To be child-like wasn’t something you sought, children were often pushed to the side.  Hold this.  What does it mean to seek the very position and place that no one wants?  How does that challenge us in our life and living the good news? 


As we wind down and wrap up this first week, what are some insights you have?  What questions do you have?  What passage has warmed your heart?  What passage felt like sandpaper to your soul?  What thoughts does Mark offer you/us about suffering and getting the stuffing knocked out of you?  Remember, next Tuesday we will gather on Zoom to keep processing and talking and working our way through this Good News of God’s love according to Mark.  Amen. 

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