Friday, August 30, 2024

Prayer for the 50ish Days of Gospeling Your life


God, You traveled with Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Miriam, Naomi and Ruth, Isaiah and Ezekiel; in Jesus the Christ, Your love became incarnate ~ in the flesh ~ with bone and breath and life to meet us in our humanness.  So, as we strap on our sandals, sling our backpacks filled with why we are reading the Gospels and questions we have at the beginning as well as hopes for what might meet us along the way, be with us.  And we pray, God, You would meet us each day.  We pray that each morning or afternoon or evening when we slow down and open Scripture, we might find You.  You might be in a verse or a single word.  You might be there in the margin of a thought that isn’t printed on the page but written in our hearts.  You might be there in a moment that feels like sandpaper to our soul as we craft a brilliant argument for why Mark was a bonehead for including that story!  You might be there when we miss a few days and need to catch up, skimming the words.  You might be there in a moment that stops us short, when we stumble over a story or stub our toe on a part of a passage we didn’t realize or remember was there.  Scripture can be like stepping on a Lego with our bare feet.  Scripture can be like a song that causes our souls to dance.  Scripture can sometimes cause us to stifle a yawn and our minds to wonder just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? And…andand there can be so much more that awaits us that we don’t even know.  Whatever happens, whoever we are on October 30, God enfold us and hold us and guide us with Your love that we might meet again and anew and afresh in the coming 50-ish days.  May this adventure truly be good news to our souls in these days.  Amen.  

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