Monday, August 5, 2024

Creation as Central Character


Throughout the month of August, we are turning toward scripture passages where God’s creation is an important character.  Too often when we read the Bible, the setting and scene, the place where the narrative happens becomes a forgettable backdrop.  We miss that Jesus taught and spent most of his time out on the road (insert Willie Nelson crooning, “On the Road Again” here).  We miss that Jesus didn’t need to bring a lily into the sanctuary when he showed this as a sermon illustration, because he was standing right next to one.  The disciples could see the lily, smell the lily, touch the lily.  Creation was not just a minor bit character, but rather a central player in Scripture.  Yesterday, we stood with Abraham beneath the stary night of the sky hearing God’s promise.  We noted that God’s promise doesn’t immediately, instantly happen, it will be years before Sarah is pregnant with the possibility of God.  To be sure, God’s time frustrates us.  Has God not gotten the memo that we have a timetable here to do justice?!?  Has God not gotten our invite on our Direct Message about the steps in the process that God is responsible for?  Why isn’t God checking the texts we sent?  Creation preaches and teaches a different timetable that doesn’t live under the demands and decrees of clocks and constantly checking our iPhone.  Your flowers don’t care if you need them to bloom at a certain point for your pool party this summer.  The rain doesn’t seem to distinguish who deserves to be saturated.  Creation reminds us that we are not in control and in charge.  We do what we can, where we can, and release the rest.  It is not easy, because there is always, always, always some voice (internally or externally) demanding that what we have done is not enough.  You need to do more!  Abraham stood barefoot with his toes sinking into the sand beneath that stary sky.  His soul realized that he had both soil and stardust within him.  He was a great recycling, regenerating project.  In fact, you have some Abraham and Sarah dust in you, somewhere, because energy/matter/Creation itself is constantly being renewed and resurrected.  Today, I invite you to go outside and look at the stars.  What promise do you long for? 


Maybe for peace where there is too much violence ~ both physically but also verbally and emotionally.

Maybe for healing in your own body or someone you love.

Maybe relief and release from the pain you feel from a heart shattered worse than Humpty Dumpty.

Maybe for hope that persists, even when others say you are foolish.


May the One whose love lights the night sky with thousands of stars hear your heart and remind you that You are beloved, no matter what happens today.

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