Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pleading for Answers


One of the many reasons I love the Psalms is that sometimes the words give me a permission slip to say what I need to say.  For example, Psalm 4 says, Answer my prayer, O True God!  Wait, you think, I thought I was the only one who thought that!  And I didn’t know you could say the quiet part out loud!?!  We want prayers to be answered in the ways we requested.  We have a plan we’ve been plotting, and we could use God’s help to achieve our desire.  I invite you to read the whole Psalm prayer poem song with me now:


Answer my prayers, O True God, the righteous, who makes me right.
    I was hopelessly surrounded, and You rescued me.
Once again hear me; hide me in Your favor;
    bring victory in defeat and hope in hopelessness.

How long will you sons of Adam steal my dignity, reduce my glory to shame?
    Why pine for the fruitless and dream a delusion?



Understand this: The Eternal One treats as special those like Him.
    The Eternal will answer my prayers and save me.

Think long; think hard. When you are angry, don’t let it carry you into sin.
    When night comes, in calm be silent.



From this day forward, offer to God the right sacrifice from a heart made right by God.
    Entrust yourself to the Eternal.

Crowds of disheartened people ask, “Who can show us what is good?”
    Let Your brilliant face shine upon us, O Eternal One, that we may know the undeniable answer.
You have filled me with joy, and happiness has risen in my heart, great delight and unrivaled joy,
    even more than when bread abounds and wine flows freely.
Tonight I will sleep securely on a bed of peace
    because I trust You, You alone, O Eternal One, will keep me safe.



What is stirring and singing within you as a response to the words above?  I love the image of sleeping securely on a bed of peace.  I don’t know about you, but 3 a.m. seems to be when all the foes and fears and frustrations of life decide to wake me up for a chat.  It is a time when my own defeats and dismays start rummage and roam around my brain demanding attention.  I am also fascinated by the notion that the call to live the good is an answer to prayer.  I think of Thomas Merton who said that the desire to please God does please God.  But sometimes my desire takes an exit ramp to look more polished and put together; sometimes I pray “thy will be done” but keep clinging to “my will” as good too.  I pray you will know peace, love, healing, health, joy, and goodness/shalom every hour this day.  May God who is our composer and conductor move through the words above with a sweet melody to your life this day.  Amen.

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