Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Prayer


God, You are known by many names and in a multitude of ways.  You are Creator.  You are Composure and Conductor.  You are Editor and Evoker.  You are Provider and Provoker.   You are Love and Grace who continues to expand beyond the horizons of our souls.  Just as You are many, but One, so are we, each of us, made in Your image.  We wear different hats or masks or ways of showing up in the world.  If this is true about us, so may we also realize and recognize that it is true of others ~ both the people we love and the ones who are so creative in annoying us (I mean, they are always coming up with new ways to push our buttons ~ I marvel at the mastery some people have at getting a rise out of me).  As Paul once said, we look at the mirror of life dimly.  If we do not see ourselves clearly, how can we see another?  Get out the Windex on the mirrors of our life, O God.  Help us reflect on the stories we tell ourselves about our life and how that is impacting and influencing how we see/respond/say to others.  Storytelling, shaping, sharing God, call us back to the narrative of Your liberating love that is good news of great joy not just for us, but for all the world.  And may each of us love to tell and live that story this day and in the days to come.  Amen.  

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