Thursday, May 2, 2024

Hymn of the Month


Yesterday, I asked you to look back on your life, look around, and look ahead at this month of May.  I pray you found ways to let your shy soul speak and sing.  One of the wonderful prayer practices is to pick a hymn of the month ~ a theme song.  Pro tip: this doesn’t have to be a church hymn; it could be music of any genre.  What is a melody that is playing in your heart right now?  I believe that our hymnal is our prayer book and theology textbook.  What we sing on Sunday shapes us more than any sermon could.  Sometimes what we sing sets our souls soaring and sometimes the words weigh us down or feel like sandpaper to our souls.  What strangely warms your heart in a hymn might cause the person next to you to feel like they are stranded on an iceberg in the arctic all alone.  The hymn that is hovering and humming in my life right now is The Servant Song by David Haas.  I invite you to read the words slowly and prayerfully:


Won’t you let me be your servant; Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace; To let you be my servant too.

We are pilgrims on the journey; We are travelers on the road.
We are here to help each other; Walk the mile and bear the load.

I will hold the Christ light for you; In the nighttime of your fear.
I will hold my hand out to you; Speak the peace you long to hear.


I will weep when you are weeping; When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow; Till we've seen this journey through.


Won’t you let me be your servant; Let me be as Christ to you.
Pray that I might have the grace; To let you be my servant too.


I love the sense that we are partners on a journey, fellow travelers who share the twists and turns.  I love the challenging call that relationships in church are a two-way street.  Sometimes I am the one who serves and sometimes I need to have the grace to receive what you are sharing.  I love the theology that we are all image bearers of Christ.  I wonder if there is a hymn, popular song, or piece of classical music that is guiding and grounding your life?  How might that become a soundtrack in the weeks to come as you return time and time again to the words, melody, and music?  Please share with me a hymn that touches your heart right now.  Amen.

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