Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Holy Foolishness


Yesterday, I shared with you a poem entitled, “When in Doubt” by Sandra Cisneros.  Today, I want to share with you a favorite poem by Shel Silverstein.  I find Silverstein’s poetry playful, prayerful, and the humor opens me to truths I need to hear.

The Homework Machine, oh the Homework Machine,
Most perfect contraption that’s ever been seen.
Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime,
Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds’ time,
Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can be.
Here it is – “nine plus four?” and the answer is… “three.”
Oh my…
I guess it’s not as perfect as I thought it would be.

I wonder when this year your life felt like the Homework Machine – you attempted to craft and create a meal or a poem or sing a song or go somewhere ~ and life didn’t turn out with precision accuracy?  When the “machine” of life spits out an answer that didn’t compute?  When has a recent attempt to try something new fell flat splat on your face?  When this happens, we tend to criticize ourselves for making mistakes.  The teacher or preacher or inner editor with their red pen starts to write all over our life to point out all your unforced errors.  

When we believe that the only "correct" destination is perfection, we will miss the humanness of every life.  When we open our eyes we rarely see a perfect tree or blade of grass or plant ~ yet each has beauty.  Hold this truth, open yourself to this truth, find ways to life this truth today.  Amen.  

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