Thursday, March 14, 2024

Praying Our Prodigal-ness


God of all seasons of life and stories that swirl within us.  God of moments when we wander away as well as the moments we are too afraid to leave.  God of times we make mistakes that cost us financially, relationally, emotionally, spiritually, and within our families.  God of times we slam shut and lock doors of our heart and soul to family and friends even as we stay in close proximity to them.  God of watching for some sign of hope, like the Mothering-Father at the window.  God of times of elation and enthusiasm, even during Lent!!  God of parties, because Sundays are not including in Lent, but are festive times because we know in our heart the truth of Easter and new life.  And we need to live the truth of Easter and new life in these days.  God of times we get frustrated and let loose with anger onto another, especially with those closest to us.  God when the words fail to fall from the tips of our tongues or our prepared speeches or prayers tastes like soda that has lost its carbonation to our tongues, You are here.  Here we are with You in the mystery of this day, this halfway point in the month of March.  Fill us with Your prodigal love, grant us Your wisdom, hold us with Your strength that gathers all the loose threads of orientation, disorientation, and reorientation that are part of this unfolding art project of life we are trying to quilt each day with the patchwork of pieces.  For this moment when we can be and breathe together.

I invite you to sit quietly with God this morning…trusting that you don’t need eloquent words or well thought out dissertations…just breathe and be…breathe and be…breathe and be.  And may you know healing, wholeness, shalom, peace, and unceasing love on this day.  Amen.

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