Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saturday Prayer


O God, You call us to do justice, to show loving kindness, and to walk humbly with You.  We confess that there are many moments when this list seems too daunting and demanding.  Or we are too quick to turn this into a check list as in first we need to establish justice (usually according to our plotting and planning), and then only once we saved the world we will love others.  Eventually, we may get around to walking humbly.  But honestly, God, the world is a mess right now, so we will focus only on justice.  Help us, O God, see the three threads are intertangled, twisted, tethered forever together.  Help us hear what Dr. King taught and told us this week in the prayers, sermons, and quotes we have read.   Continue to challenge us to be Your people in such a time as this letting our light shine bravely and brightly and boldly, welcoming the light of others, even when another’s light is a different shade or hue or wattage.  Keep us every open to You we prayer.  In the name of the light of the world, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

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