Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Prayer


Prayer for this Friday ~ God as the first full week of 2024 winds down and wraps up, draw near as my next breath.  I do not know what awaits me today, O God.  Sure, I have events scheduled in ink on my calendar as if I could control my days.  Sure, I have dreams about vacations next summer that I am plotting and planning with, but honestly, God I have no idea what might happen.  Life is uncontrollable despite my planner.  Life is beautifully messy, like the less-than-perfect stable where You conspired to enter this world.  Life is.  Life is beyond words and descriptions, just as You are O God.  As the mystics say, “God” is just the word we toss and throw around like a blanket to cover mystery.  Life is just a word we try to cling to as if it is all up to us.  But I can’t make the sunshine or storms pass.  I don’t have a Harry Potter magic wand to make the wars cease and people realize that love is the way.  What I have is a light and Your presence woven into my life.  That is enough.  Thank you, God for Your presence that infuse and inspires this first Friday of.  Let me taste Your grace in bowls of cereal.  Let me feel Your love in hugs.  Let me smell Your presence in soup simmering and see traces of You like the wind whirling through the trees.  May Your strength take my hand and lead me on this day, trusting in You.  Amen.    

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