Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Herod of the World today


As we continue this week to listen to the wisdom of the poets and prophets, we turn today to a prayer by Ann Weems.  Slow savor these words with me to see what is evoked within you.


The Christmas Spirit By Ann Weems

The Christmas Spirit is that hope
which tenaciously clings
to the hearts of the faithful
and announces in the face
of any Herod, the world can produce
and all the inn doors slammed in our faces
and all the dark nights of our souls
that with God
all things are possible,
that even now unto us
a Child is born!


I wonder, who are the Herods in your life?  Who are those who come in with demands and decrees?  Who are those whose anxiety drenches you?  What does it mean that God is born not according to cultural scripts of might, power, and wealth, but born in a barn and then disappears for years on end ~ remember Jesus’ public ministry began when he was 30 years-old?  When have you like Mary and Joseph felt pushed aside or ignored, even as the Spirit of God grows in you and around you?  Let’s face it, most of what trends on social media is not about the beautiful ordinariness of life, but we seem to love the ache and pain and brokenness of humanity.  I love the line, “even now unto us a Child is born!”  That Christmas is not just about the past, it is the present, right here and now.  Just as Christ was born into Rome oppression, so too Christ comes into the world where humans still hurt and harm each other.  Just as Christ was born in an out of the way barn, so too Christ come amid the fringe and fray today.  Just as Christ was born in a time when people barely took note, so too by now most of the world is moving on from Christmas, stores are deeply discounting decorations to make room for Valentine’s Day candy.  Yet, as people of faith, we continue to dwell in the mystery of Christmas to let this awaken us to what God is up to right here and now.  May the poems, prayers, and words this week stir within your soul that we might continue to name and notice we are in Christ’s presence this day and every day. Amen.

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