Tuesday, December 12, 2023

No Room Part 2


Yesterday, I invited you to explore with love and curiosity the times, places, spaces, and people with whom you have felt like there is “no room at the inn.”  Those moments a door is slammed in your face or relationship cut off or words said that have left a woundedness that still hasn’t healed years later, because other people bump into that bruise reaggravating the hurt/ache. 

I don’t know exactly what Luke meant when he wrote, “there was no room for them,” but I do know that is a feel/sensation/place we have all received mail in our life.  The truth is that no one morning meditation or even a week of dwelling on these words will resolve our pain.  I do invite you today to continue to find your story in Mary and Joseph’s story.  Picture Mary and Joseph, their feet aching from the 90 mile walk to Bethlehem ~ all because Caesar said, “Go”. 

Pause ~ where do your feet ache or your soul quake or your heart break this day?  Who is making demands and decrees on you (this could be politically, relationally, spiritually)?

Picture Mary and Joseph trying to find a space and place.

Pause ~ where are you searching?  What does that space and place look like?  Who is there?

Picture Mary and Joseph amid the cattle who are lowing and scratchy straw of the dusty and drafty barn.  Really, this is how God enters the world??  God clearly needed a better public relations firm!

Pause ~ how might God be trying to enter the back door of the barn of your life this week?

Read this story from Luke 2 and let this story read/re-author your story this week.  With God’s unexpected and vulnerable love to you.  Amen.

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