Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday Prayer


Please pray with me:

God of mystery, who holds me as well as every star and planet and person and manatee and moment, thank you for Your presence.

God of delights in discovery, exploration, and the never-ending unfolding of spiritual formation.

God who continually calls us to do what we can, where we can, how we can so that all life, everything that breathes, might be free to thrive and reflect Your glory.

God who awakens a song that we sing every day, thank you for this week and this day.

Thank you for saints of the past and present ~ people who we’ve named and noticed and honored.  Thank you for the twists and turns of the rollercoaster of life, for Your presence rides beside us and You hold us when the bottom drops out and the wheels come off and we go crashing down twenty-six floors in two seconds in the dark (thank you for that experience, Space Mountain).  God, help us find ways to pick up the paintbrush of life, realizing that spiritual formation invites our participation.  God, help us not white knuckle this art project of life, for when we cling or control or get too tense, we miss the holy flow of Your grace and love. 

God continue to go with us in the dwindling of these November days that enlivens us to the truth that Your presence is a mysterious ground of being that liberates and sings to all.  Let Your light shine upon the path of this day.  Alleluia and Amen.

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