Friday, October 13, 2023

Trust Part Five


One final thought today on trust is that it has a sibling named, “Truth”.  These two twins are often connected.  That is, we can trust someone when we sense that person is telling us the truth.  We trust someone when she says and does things that ring true.  We rebuild trust when someone tells us he is sorry and actively changes.  Trust is not static or stationary, but always flowing like a river.  Finally, trust has an intimacy to it.  Trust thrives in face-to-face moments.  This is why it is difficult to trust people who are distant or disconnected from us.  This is why we struggle to trust people who stretch the truth.  Trust collaborates and conspires with hope, love, truth, justice, peace, joy, compassion, care, and showing up.  Trust cannot be isolated on an island; it will starve like I would if stranded there on that island.  Trust needs to be practiced or the muscle will atrophy.  We practice trust with others, knowing full well that trust is not made of steel, but of atoms that make life meaningful and mystical beyond our full control.  Celebrate the ways trust grows in your life.  Name and notice who you are trusting today, how you are trusting, and what that means in your relationship with God.  Grieve places where trust is shattered.  And know that God’s love is always seeking to sweep our lives, whole lives, into an embrace that will not let us go and remind us we are not alone.  May this trust grow, support, and change us every day.  Amen. 

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