Friday, October 27, 2023

Morning Meditation


Gracious, generous, generative God, take my life and let me be;

Wrapped up in Your unending grace that continually sets me free.


Take this moment and this day, guide me as I set sail on the sea;

And in those times of storm, stress, swirling winds, striking debris;

Cause Your presence to calm my soul with Your peace, I pray to thee.


Take my whole life from the top of my head to my soles and toes;

Open my ears to hear the holy hymn You continue to compose.

And keep my sacred imagination open to the ways You invite me to grow.


So this day, this moment, this second all are Yours.

As I go about the tasks before, fling open the doors.

That I would wrap my full self in You, whom I adore.


Amen and Amen.

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