Tuesday, September 26, 2023

What is NEW here NOW?


What here is new now?

Yesterday, I invited you to name and notice this place called, “Here” and this time called, “Now”.  We recalled the story of Jacob encountering God.  A bit of background can be helpful to see that this isn’t some sugary sweet story.  Jacob had a twin brother, Esau.  The two were as different as night and day.  Jacob’s deepest desire was to be born first.  He came out holding his Esau’s heel and if to say, “Not so fast, bucko.”  (I have always wanted to use the word, “bucko” in a morning meditation…I feel my life is more complete now).  Esau grew up to be a hunter and outdoorsman.  Jacob preferred to stay and stick closer to home where he was more comfortable in the kitchen.  Pause whilst you think about the differences between you and your siblings OR your children; or any two children you know raised by the same parents in the same way but each beautifully unique!  Eventually, Jacob plotted with his mom to steal Esau’s birthright blessing in exchange for a bowl of stew.  I hope it was a good bowl of stew!  Wait, there is more.  Jacob dressed up like Esau, tricked his dad into giving him the blessing, and when Esau found out he said, “No problem, that is totally cool, bro!”  Just kidding.  Esau was as mad as you would be if you were wearing Esau’s hunting sandals.  So Jacob ran away from his family who makes me feel better about my family dysfunction. 

Insert the story we read yesterday here.

Wait, you might think, God blessed the trickster, Jacob?  God went to Jacob?  God actually liked Jacob?  I know, it doesn’t make linear and logical sense, does it?  So, why do we think our life should always be orderly and fit in neat boxes?  Why do we spend hours trying to come up with the perfect comeback to a conversation that happened hours ago or brainstorming thousands of future fictional problems that might happen?  We end up missing this moment here and now.  And what is new here now?  I am sitting in the same place as yesterday and yet the light coming in the window is different, the bird that sweetly sang yesterday is silent, but the breeze outside is causing the tree branch to wave, “Hi” to me. 

In this place called, “Here” that is familiar, is at the same time new right now.  May you hold this truth and explore it for the endless mystery that here and now truly are.  Amen. 

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