Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Way-less Way Part 3


We are following the thread of the way-less way this week.  We are opening ourselves to our own story, God who calls each human heart/soul/life, “home”.  Let’s be clear that in many of the rooms of our souls there is a lot of clutter and cobwebs and cleaning that could help.  I know I tend to be a bit of a pack-rat when it comes to slights and someone wounding me.  I tend to replay the hurtful words someone said or read all kinds of things into a glance someone gives me.  A few weeks ago, we focused on Hebrews 12, the great cloud of witnesses.  We talked about how we are a stew of people who added to the recipe of our life.  This can be family, friends, teachers, colleagues, bosses, neighbors, fellow church members, etc.  Some of the people who add to the stew of your life bring sweet and savory spices to the kitchen of your soul.  Some showed up in your life and all they have to offer was a bitter herb or that wanted to toss kale into your stew ~ I really am not a fan of kale!  I get spinach, but kale is a hard pass for me. 

Is there anything you have been carrying around in the luggage of life that maybe you need to let go of?  These could be comments made by someone you will never see again.  This could be the wounds of family that keep getting bumped every summer at the reunion or Thanksgiving.  This could be your deep desire to save the world or others or yourself, and all the plotting and planning you still feel like Wiley Coyote chasing the Road Runner. 

Where do you keep running into brick walls because God created you to do more than bang your head against that barrier.  May this truth sink and settle and sing to your soul every minute of this day.  May you find ways to unpack what you are carrying around ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly.  May you find ways to let go of pain that causes ache within you and God so that you might open space for the sacred to stir in life giving ways.  Let your light shine brightly for you are God’s beloved.  This is the way-less way.  Amen.

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