Monday, September 4, 2023

Honoring Labor Day


As we honor Labor Day today, I want to offer a prayer for the expansive and elastic definition of the word, labor.  The work of our hands, heads, and hearts may be something for which we are compensated monetarily, or perhaps we have a labor of love in volunteer work, or perhaps we pour out our energy/life in poems or paintings or art, or perhaps the calling that sets your soul stirring is connecting with others in caring ways.  Labor can include all the ways we share and shine our light in the beautiful uniqueness of being created in God’s image.  On this Labor Day, I want to give thanks to all the people who have been working on our sanctuary renovation this summer.  We have been blessed by hard working folks moving pews, breaking tile, preparing the floor, installing new T-Loop wiring, and laying new tile.  Our sanctuary is already blessed by the hands and hearts of those who are renewing the space.  We have also been blessed by hundreds of volunteer hours this summer, church members and friends who have pulled up and painted new baseboard; cleaned doors; removed hymnals; wiped down window ledges with layers of construction dust and countless other ways you have helped to share in sweat equity in this project. 

With gratitude, please pray with me.

Gracious God, we give thanks for the work of hands, heads, hearts, and our whole lives.  We give thanks to those who balance spreadsheets and weed gardens and inspire our living.  For frontline workers who help us check out at stores and deliver packages to our doorsteps.  For firefighters, police officers, social workers, nurses, and medical personnel who take care of those who are hurting.  For chefs who prepare meals we eat and people who make sure our water comes flowing from our facets.  O God, we are surrounded by people whose labor makes our life what it is. 

We give thanks for thousands of volunteer hours in the church, community, and across the country.  We give thanks for those who give generously of volunteer hours in hospitals and care facilities; for those who provide rides and read with students; for those who care for your creation on turtle patrol and give tours at Mote; for all the ways we can share and shine Your light of love in others lives. 

Pause for a moment to give thanks for one moment you shared the work of your head this week ~ words spoken or sung or silence shared or numbers crunched or problems discussed.

Pause for a moment to give thanks for one moment you shared the work of your hands this last week ~ made a meal or held another’s hand or pulled weeds or created a painting.

Pause for a moment to give thanks for a place you encountered and experienced God this last week ~ recall the space ~ the sights, smells, sounds, and sacred hovering.

Pause for a moment to give thanks for a place your heart grew this last week ~ a conversation had, or book read, or concert attended, or relationship where you were seen/loved for who you are.

You are God’s handiwork, the labor of love God is still crafting and creating.  For you, my brothers and sisters, on this Labor Day, I give thanks.  Amen. 

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