Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Good Day


The last two days we have been playing with the questions, what and when is your best.  I have invited you to investigate playfully your one wild and precious life ~ which is the curriculum we are all studying.  Today, I invite you to describe a good day recently.  I pray this question awakens you to the beauty of your wonderfully messy life.    First, notice the word, “good”, and please do not substitute in the word, “perfect”.  I am not looking for you to describe the most absolutely extraordinary, outstanding, soul-soaring, awesomest day ever!!  Nope.  I want you to reflect on a good day.  A good day for me is often reading, connecting with people I love, laughing, learning a new idea, enjoying a bowl of ice cream, winding down with a novel before I go to bed.  I know that no Hollywood producer just read that sentence and thought, “Call Steven Spielberg!  I just read the plot line for the most inspiring movie ever, I smell an Oscar!!”  This is not about seeking approval or agreement on what a good day is.  As a matter of fact, I think the beauty is that I can honor your “good” day without ever having my description threatened.  To be sure, you might hear someone else describe a good day and think yours does not measure up or meet some imaginary scoreboard or table of judges.  I encourage you to live the wisdom ~ you do you!  You get to craft and create what a good day contains and no one else can offer a critique.  More than describing a good day, try to find ways to weave in elements of that every day.  For example, a good day for me is reading a mystery novel.  So, almost every night I read a mystery novel.  I know this is not revolutionary.  This is not going to get me a book deal or land me on the New York Times Bestsellers list.  But the point here is to enjoy life, not strive and struggle (and then complain about the stress).  To honor what kindles the spark of flame in your soul, then tend that fire with the wood that is beautifully unique to you.  May you have a good day in the wonderful expansiveness of that word.  Amen. 

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