Friday, August 18, 2023

Psalm 24


When you read the Psalms, there is an unfolding story.  I hope you have heard that this week.  We started with talking about God’s address being at the end of a rope ~ the rope of our own self-sufficiency, the rope of our own independence and I don’t need nothing from no one, the rope of success and looking good to others.  We prayed for leaders, who help to tend the ropes of our collective life.  Leaders who are called to tether and tie our ropes together and mend the safety nets that catch our siblings who fall.  We prayed and sang about moments when we fall because all of us do!  We all stumble and bumble and make mistakes.  We are human size and there is no cure for being human.  We cried out to God for help because God can at times feel distant, and we remember that this is not unique to us.  Jesus felt this on the cross.  Our ancestors felt this and felt God’s love too.  So, we prayed Psalm 23 with all our hearts.  Psalm 24 then sings out to Creation as God’s first testament.  That it isn’t just human beings who are told to be fruitful and multiply (although we tend to over emphasize that part of Genesis).  God left God’s fingerprints on all creation.  From the mountains to the valleys to the oceans to the Gulf waters of Sarasota.  Creation is preaching and teaching and we are creation’s students.  Yet, we don’t always listen or learn.  We tend to think that we are the smartest ones in the class, rather than the ones who need remedial help.  Creation has something to tell you that is new every day. God’s creation continues to evolve and expand, just like your soul.  Creation is proclaiming God’s presence, are we paying attention?  Listen today to the birds, the grass slowly growing, the sun shining, the trees swaying.  Listen, listen, listen, and be transformed that God isn’t just interested in orderly theology, God cares about the whole world.  May this psalm inspire our living this day and for countess days to come.  Amen. 

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