Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Psalm 22


Psalm 22 is what Jesus quotes on the cross, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken/ turned Your back/ walked out on me?” 

When we feel God is distant or disconnected, Psalm 22 is our prayer.

When we feel isolated and alone, Jesus invites us to open our hymnal to Psalm 22 and sing the blues.

When the last fiber of the rope we’ve been clinging to snaps and there is no safety net below, we cry honest, heartfelt, raw, and real tears.

If you keep reading Psalm 22, the hymn writer preaches and prays about how our parents trusted God.  Sometimes our ancestors lend us their faith.  The great cloud of witnesses reminds you of the trials and tribulations they faced.  Paused with me, what did you learn about faith in the storm from your parents, grandparents, relatives, deacons, elders, and neighbors growing up?  What wisdom did you learn?  What actions did you see?  When I sing, Great is Thy Faithfulness, I know that is both a tribute to God’s faithfulness to us and the faithfulness of those who left fingerprints upon my heart.

Rewind and remember those from whom you were taught and caught the faith.  Celebrate how you were shaped by those who paved the path of faith before us.  We are singing a song to God that began long before any of us were born and we are singing to others right now the song of faith that will continue when we are no longer here.  How are we teaching the song to the next generation and to those around us?  Yes, we can lament.  Yes, we can question God.  Yes, we can tell the old, old story of God’s love that is so elastic and expansive that God holds the brokenness and beauty of life, yours and mine and this world, all in God’s care.  Amen.

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