Friday, August 4, 2023



We close out the week with Psalm 12.  As you have all week long, read this psalm in two or three versions of the Bible.  Play with the words like you would sand in a sandbox.  Let loose Your sacred imagination in ways that are playful and prayerful and holy. 

I might summarize Psalm 12 in one word: “Enough!”

Why I love that word it might mean, “enough” as my mother used to say, “I’ve had it up to here.”  This meant I was skating on thin ice and might find myself in deep trouble if I kept on arguing or annoying my mom.  It could also mean, “enough” as in God is enough.  I don’t need to keep my eye on some imaginary scoreboard of life, I don’t need to keep pushing myself to prove myself, I don’t need to keep stuffing my life with stuff.  God is always enough.  This doesn’t mean life is fair (another mom-ism was, “The only fair I know is the Iowa State Fair and that’s only a week in August”.  Ahhh, good times).  But God’s presence fills in the gaps, covers the hurt, and keeps whispering the word, “Beloved” even when others want to call me by other names.  Enough.  You are enough, as you are at this moment.  Enough.  This moment is enough because God is with us.  Enough.  May each of us hold this word, let it sink and sing to our lives this day.  Amen.  

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