Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Singing to and with God


This week we are singing the words at the top of our voice with Psalm 96.  Recall from yesterday that you pause after each stanza, that you want to notice where you are placing the emphasis, especially if you discover different word from yesterday leaping off the screen, and that you are reading aloud leaning in/listening for YOUR voice to get caught up in this Holy Hebrew hymn.  Today, we read/sing from the Message translation.

Sing God a brand-new song!

Earth and everyone in it, sing!

Sing to God—worship God!

Shout the news of God victory from sea to sea,

Take the news of God glory to the lost,

News of God wonders to one and all!

For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs. Pause

God furious beauty puts the other gods to shame;

Pagan gods are mere tatters and rags.

God made the heavens—

Royal splendor radiates from God,

A powerful beauty sets God apart.

Bravo, God, Bravo!

Everyone join in the great shout: Encore! Pause

In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might.

Bring gifts and celebrate,

Bow before the beauty of God,

Then to your knees—everyone worship!

Get out the message—God Rules!

God put the world on a firm foundation;

God treats everyone fair and square.

Let’s hear it from Sky,

With Earth joining in,

And a huge round of applause from Sea.

Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,

Animals, come dance,

Put every tree of the forest in the choir—

An extravaganza before God as God comes,

As God comes to set everything right on earth,

Set everything right, treat everyone fair. Pause

If all life is worship, your life and mine, how do we join in the chorus of our Creator?  Does today feel like it was written in a major key or minor or maybe it is the sound of sheer silence (which remember is God’s original language).  What hymns do these words above provoke?  Maybe, “How Great Thou Art,” or “Love Divine, All Love’s Excelling”.  Go ahead and let me know what hymns you hear in these words and are playing in the jukebox of your soul today.  May today find you caught up in the new song God is singing here and now.  Amen.

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