Tuesday, July 4, 2023



On this 4th of July, we open our hearts as God’s people here in the place, at this particular time to pray for each other, our land, leaders, and for God’s wisdom, justice, love, and grace to find fresh expression in these days.  Please pray with me,

God of all nations, peoples, and places, we pause on this day when our country celebrates our independence and interdependence.  We know all too well the narrative we hear is one of brokenness and less-than-perfect-ness of our community and country.  We can get caught in cycles of criticism fueled by frustration that has become “normal”.  Help us find ways to protect, tend, and preserve the corner of the earth we call home.  Help us find ways to be more open to Your liberating love that breaks down barriers we build, so that Your “justice flow like an ever-flowing stream”.  Give us strength to see how fear of the other only leaves us feeling isolated and alone.  We pray especially today for our fellow citizens who are pushed to the fringe and fray.  We pray for our LGBTQ siblings, our beloved African American brothers and sisters, Hispanic and Asian friends, and the truth that Your creativity, O God, loves to color with all the crayons in the box!  On this day when we gather for picnics and fireworks, with family and friends, let us sense the truth of Isaiah who foresaw of the day when “all nations would stream to Your holy mountain.”  Help us continue to hew a stone of hope from the mountain of despair (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.).  Help us join hands and hearts and whole lives to work side-by-side to be people of light like fireworks and sparklers, love, justice, peace, and clay vessels of the treasure of Your good news for all the world, all peoples, and all creation.  Amen.

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