Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Writing Your Faith Prompt 2


Yesterday, I encouraged you to join me in writing down your faith ~ not that it will ever be published or on the New York Times bestseller list ~ but to get that which lives deep within you onto a piece of paper.  Our faith longs for expression and to escape the confines of our minds.

We started with a time you experienced/encountered God.  I could tell you about canoeing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota.  How God was found in the water, in campfires, and the wilderness of that area.  Each day, we spent time out in the canoe exploring and swimming and being a community.  We laughed, cooked, sang, and felt God’s love in real ways.  It was holy ground.

Prompt #2 ~ write a bit about who God is for you.  Note: I am not asking for a theological tome or some essay about God.  I want you to write words that stir your heart.  If you want a place to start, go to the hymnal.  Our New Century Hymnal, the first 39 hymns talk/teach/tell about God.  You can read through those hymns to see what stirs.  Or maybe you want to come up with a list of words about God ~ try to find fifteen words that describe God (not that you can ever fully capture God).  Or maybe this is a time to pick up the colored pencils or crayons to draw God.  Or write a poem.  Or… fill in the blank here with your idea.  This doesn’t need to be only words; you are welcome to let this prompt take you on an adventure.  I pray you will continue to let your faith loose into the world in some way this day.

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