Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thursday Prayer


Breathe in God’s presence this morning, which is always as close as our next breath.

Breathe out the ways we cling to control and believe we have to be right all the time. 

Breathe in God’s presence this day, who was there in the beginning amid the chaos.

Breathe out the moments you are in that transition from orientation to disorientation and reorientation isn’t anywhere in sight today.

Breathe in the holy who is comfortable in the less-than-perfectness of life ~ God born in a barn.

Breathe out our human need to look competent and in charge.

I invite you to name orientations of your mind/heart/life ~ where does life make sense at the present moment?  This could be a relationship that causes your soul to soar or a conversation that fills your heart or a book you are reading where you underline every sentence.

I invite you to name the disorientations of your mind/heart/life ~ where does your life seem too broken for repair?  Where does the world look like a bicycle you took apart in the garage and have no idea how the parts/pieces are ever going to be put back together?

I invite you to name the reorientation of your mind/heart/life ~ where a new insight is just beginning to form or a new opportunity has emerged or a new friendship is taking root in the soil of your soul. 

Let the wisdom of this way of being ~ Saul/Paul’s story ~ be your story this day.  Amen.

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