Read ~ John 11-13
As we dive into
these three chapters, first, please slowly read chapter 11. This is one of the most powerful and profound
stories in the gospels. Jesus shows his
human-size-ness in weeping. Jesus
stays connected to the grieving Martha and Mary. When Martha comes out to confront him, he
doesn’t say, “Who do you think you are talking to?!” He cries out to Lazarus to come out of the
tomb. Let this story connect to a piece/part
of your story and dwell in you – times you’ve grieved or cried out. In chapter 12, we are moving to the climax of
the gospel, Mary anoints Jesus, which is such an intimate act, and the next day
Jesus smelling like he just walked through Macy’s cosmetics department, rides
into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Then,
Jesus washes the disciples’ feet ~ inspired by Mary’s loving act in chapter
12…borrowing this holy ritual from her ministry.
Three questions to
ponder: Where do you, like Lazarus, feel bound up right now ~ confined by
something or someone? Where do you long
to be saturated and soaked (anointed by God’s perfume) in the Sacred right
now? How might you join the Palm Sunday
parade in welcoming that truth that God is with you right now in your life?
One fun Bible nerd
fact ~ when the people protest opening the tomb in John 11:39, the KJV has
Martha saying, “But Lord, he stinketh!!”
This is one of the many reasons I love this story! There is so much in life that stinketh! That are so many stones to roll away from the
deaths/pains around us. There is so much
we can weep with Jesus as we read the paper.
There is so much that needs gospel resurrection. And I recognize that my job is not to be the
savior of the world, but to be in cahoots and collaborate with the Holy that
hovers around the chaos of today calling forth life and to recognize God is
here in the less-than-perfectness of this world.
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