Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Two MORE Questions


Over the last few weeks, I have been asking questions to help you reflect on 2022.  Since we are past the midpoint of the first month of 2023, such reflections might seem passe or not what is trending.  What if we continue throughout this month to look back, look around, and look forward?  What if we did this not only this month, but each month?


Ian Morgan Cron recently posed two questions that I ask you to ponder prayerfully.


When you look back at 2022, what was something I said or did that make my future self proud?  Where was I kind to myself for the sake of the coming months?  This question might take a few times to read through but stick with it.  An example for me: I was kind to my future self by planning my vacation for this year.  I tend, as a type A person, to push or put off vacations.  When I delay, events get planned and suddenly a week that I wanted for vacation I have committed to someone to attend something.  When I schedule vacations early in the year, that means I can say to a Team or person that I am away and work to select a different date.  My experience is that people are understanding and can be flexible.  For you, it might be declining to serve on a committee because of a full calendar or it might be a commitment to joining a book conversation.  I pray that those in the Mapping Your Life class are finding ways to be kind to their future selves. 


Second question, what is a compliment I received recently that was meaningful?  This one is hard for me too.  I tend to be Teflon for compliments.  I tend to shift the light to others who helped because I rarely do anything on my own.  For example, if someone says something nice about my kids, I will talk about how awesome a parent Gina is ~ which she is.  But the truth is that I am also Ethan and Olivia’s parent.  This question may take some work for some.  If you cannot think of a recent compliment, try to open your ears and hearts and head to compliments you hear this week.  You may need to record these.


That is a GREAT suggestion for both of these.  What if each week on Tuesday, you looked back at these two questions and answered them for the last seven days?  To keep track of kind things you do for yourself, and compliments/appreciations/words of love said to you by others.  Remember a compliment that is meaningful is rarely sought or solicited.  Remember being kind to yourself is not selfish.  God’s love longs for you to see/embrace the “you” ~ you hide because you are not sure what would happen if you let your light shine.  God’s love embraces you fully.  God longs for you to love yourself as you love your neighbor because God’s love starts that whole chain moving forward. 


I pray these two questions move you beyond resolutions or results or resolves of your own will power, but to rest in God who is authoring and conducting your life with you.  May you know peace, joy, hope, healing, and love this day.  Amen.

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