Thursday, January 26, 2023



Breathe in God’s blessing for you today…breathe out the people who live rent free in your mind and seem to love the reaction of pushing your buttons.  Too often these people are the very ones who cause us to distrust God’s promise.

Breathe in God’s energy for you…breathe out those who steal your joy.

Breathe in a love that enfolds and holds…breathe out the ways we are caught in systems that cause us to give our attention and allegiance to trying to score points on an imaginary scoreboard.


God of wisdom and courage, too often Your will is not done on earth.  Your will of openness and love and curiosity; Your will of honoring all creation as beautiful and reflecting Your creativity; Your will of people finding ways to dwell together rather than the walls we build between our side and those people.  Forgive us.  Call us back to sit at the feet of Jesus’ teaching that does challenge us to our very core and cause us to wonder, “Is this really possible?”  For in the space that question opens, there You can enter in.  Abide, inform, and inspire my living this day and for countless days to come.  Amen.

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