Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Prayer


This week, we have held four questions together.  We have pondered the evidence of God our life is showing.  We have asked who inspires and informs our lives.  We have described, with detail, the sweet spots of life and we have also turn toward the pain to see what that emotion might be telling us too. 

Today, I invite you to put the pieces together.  Look back at your reflections and responses to see if there is a thread or theme that starts to emerge.  For example, is there a similarity between your shero and the sweet spot where time stood still?  Is there a place of pain where you’ve poured your energy as evidence of God’s presence?

Pay attention to your stories you are telling yourself this day…for they are the words that shape the world you inhabit.  I pray that God’s editing pen might get a word in edgewise to help each of us be shaped by a good news of unconditional love that will never let us go.


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