Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A Third Question


So far this week we have asked what evidence does your life or mine give of an encounter with God.  We considered some of our heroes and sheroes and guides on the road right now.  Today, I want you to think about sweet spots in your life, moments when time slowed down.


When was the last time this year, you were caught up in a holy flow and you felt buoyed by God’s grace.


Try to describe in detail where you were, what you were doing, the sensations in your body, the thoughts in your mind, what hovered in your heart, and even what the air smelled like.


For me, that sweet spots from this last year that come to mind are: having dinner with my family, leading worship on Sunday mornings, leading Bible Study, teaching the Mapping Your Life Class; and anytime I am out in creation walking.  I can also begin to describe/define what I see and feel in those moments as I think about them.  The more specific my description the better, because it gives me insights into how the Holy shows up in my life.  If you can come up with two or three, write several sentences about trying to capture why that moment you felt like Moses on holy ground. 


By the way, this connects to the question from Monday, because often the evidence of our life that God is at work is in moments when we lose track of time.  We stop staring at our phones.  We think, “I could do this forever.” 


Those moments are a gift to the world.  These moments are your gift to the world that is needed now ~ the way you, like the Wise Ones, follow the star of wonder and star of night. 


I pray this invitation evokes and provokes memories and moments to swirl and start to flow from your head/heart/soul onto the piece of paper.

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