Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Prayer Practice


I have been inviting you in this prayer practice below on Fridays over the last few weeks, but it seems, given our theme and topic of grumbling/mumbling this week, these questions are particularly powerful here in the middle of the week:


As I look back on the week, I give thanks for (fill in two moments that brought a smile to your face).

As I rewind the past five days, I have felt the energy of emotion in my heart (name and notice some of the emotions sitting on the shelves of your soul).

As I examine where I’ve been, this person and place comes to my mind (sit with an experience from the last week.)

And I look to the coming days, I pray You would go before, beside, and behind me when facing (name an upcoming event where you need God to arrive first in that situation).


May you and I find ways to be open to God’s presence here and now, in the less-than-perfectness of this present moment.  Amen. 

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