Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Two Meanings Part 2


Exodus 2 tells us that Moses ran away from one understanding of his identity and name ~ that as an adopted Egyptian, living in the posh palace of the Pharaoh, and the incompleteness of that identity. 


But he doesn’t race toward embracing and embodying the Hebrew understanding of his name immediately.  He doesn’t go and live right away with his tribe of people.  Rather, he goes to another place.  Moses marries, becomes a shepherd, and settles into life away from Egypt. 


Often discovering who we are takes a lifetime, because it is not only discovering but living from what Richard Rohr calls our “True Self” ~ or our made whole/holy in God’s image self.  Too often the voices of the world clamor chaotically for your affirmation and allegiance.  This is true politically, families, culturally (see advertising), and religiously.


We define ourselves by what we are not or more specifically what we fear. 

We define ourselves by our relationships to others, but always worry that we are going to be voted off the island with our friends/groups.

We define ourselves by what we buy ~ we consume therefore we are ~ to re-phrase Descartes.

We define ourselves by beliefs that we hold tightly, rather than realizing God can never be confined or contained by human thoughts.  Or as Isaiah 55 puts it, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares God. 


Often all our striving and struggle to define ourselves…taking another class or reading another book or even preaching another sermon (to make this very personal) are all trying to help open you to an experience of the Infinite that is indescribable/uncontainable/mysterious. 


Deep in your heart who is God crafting and creating (for God is never finished) you to be today?  I long to be loving, open, and creative.  I long to explore laughter’s healing art.  I long to stop controlling or striving to achieve/prove/earn.  Rather I feel the nudge to seek joy, fun, even enjoy being God’s beloved child ~ and my life would reflect evidence of that joy.


Take some time today to listen to your shy soul…and if you are a verbal processor, feel free to give me a call.  May the God who fashions, forms, and loves you into being remind you that your identity is “beloved”.  Amen. 

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