Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Entering Exodus Part Three


In Exodus chapter 1, the people of God are living in the meantime.  They are neither where they were in Exodus 1:7 (living their best life), nor where they want to be in the Promised Land ~ which doesn’t happen for another 120 years (80 years of Moses and 40 years of wandering in the wilderness ~ and I didn’t even need a calculator to do that math!). 


In the meantime is not exactly the easiest place to reside or call home.  Often, we are pining for the past or fearing the future.  Often, we can think that things were so much better back then or constantly criticize the shortcomings of today. 


In the meantime, when things are not as they once were and not how we hoped them to be.


Where is that true for you today?  In what ways are you living in the meantime?  I know for me there are situations in my family where this is true for my soul.  I know there are things in our church where we are in the meantime with COVID, with stewardship and budgeting, with what worship will look like. 


In the meantime…is one of the truths of Exodus 1 and 2. 


May that truth speak to your life this day.


Prayer: God who is here in the messy middle of my life, I pray for in the meantime moments.  I pray for that which is unresolved or even unsolvable.  I pray for that which bewilders and befuddles me.  I pray for the puzzles that perplex and where life is a Rubix Cube I cannot solve.  Help me be open to You now and every hour this week.  Amen.

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