Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Emotion of Me and We Part Three


Breathe in today…may you notice and name what is in your heart…feel the energy of emotions.

Breathe in this moment…may you notice and name the weather pattern of your soul (is it sunny or cloudy or stormy?).

Breathe in right here and now where God is meeting all that is within you.  This means not just your intellectual thoughts or words, but those deeper emotions and energy and soul.


Breathe in acceptance and openness…breathe out disconnection and distrust that close us off.

Breathe in curiosity and connection…breathe out embarrassment and shame.

Breathe in frustration that tells you what is not right…breathe out the superhero within us that wants to save everyone and everything and fix the entire world.


Breathe and be…naming and noticing the energy of motion within you. 

Breathe and be…sitting with why you are feeling…stress/tense/awe/love/courageous.

Breathe and be…realizing that just as you can have more than one friend…you can feel more than one emotion at a time ~ even contradictory emotions. 

Breathe and be…how we let one emotion take the steering wheel of life, pick the radio station, and force us to go in the direction.

Breathe and be…how always leaning on one emotion can cause a rut in our brains and hearts and souls…but that we are created to feel more than words could express.

Breathe and let out an audible sigh.  Sigh louder.  Sigh so your neighbor can hear you.  In that sigh may there be all that is whirling and whipping within your mind, heart, and soul.  In that sigh may you open space for the composure and conductor of life to enter in with a melody of music. 


I invite you to go and listen to a piece of music that opens you to all the feels as a way of prayer.

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