Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day


The first job I can remember is delivering the Penny Saver newspaper in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Wednesdays after school.  Through rain and snow and blazing sun, I made sure people had their fifty-cents-off coupon for a large pizza and the adds for upcoming garage sales.  Remember when people actually placed ads for garage sales, rather than just going to Craigs List or Facebook Market Place?  Ah, the good old days.  My second job was mowing lawns in my early tweens.  When I turned 14, I was eligible to work in the dish room at Bishop’s Cafeteria.  Looking back, I am not sure if that was a promotion from mowing nor if it was safe to let me near cleaning chemicals at that age.  Once I turned 16, I worked at our local UCC church as a janitor, which gave me insights I still hold on to today!  I worked at a customer service call center through college, at Barnes and Noble in seminary.  Over the course of my seminary time, I interned at two local churches, a nursing home, and the National Office of the UCC in beautiful Cleveland, OH.  Yes, I did make sure to visit the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame whilst I was there.  And now twenty-one years into ministry, I have served three amazing churches.


On this Labor Day, I invite YOU to recall and remember, to make a list of the places you worked.  Take time today name people you met, the bosses you had, and the lessons you learned.  I encourage you to post one of your jobs in the comment section so that we might give thanks for the vast variety of ways we’ve shared our hands, hearts, and whole selves with others.


On this Labor Day, I encourage you, like Abram and Sarai, to stay open to how God is working in your life right now.  We are called to labor on, to work for God’s realm and answer God’s call no matter how many birthday candles are on our cake.  As you look back at your resume, look around at where God needs YOU to fully come alive today for the sake of the world.  As Frederick Buechner said, “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”  May that wisdom stir each of our hearts throughout the month of September. 


Happy Labor Day with gratitude for the joy of serving along side you in these days.  Amen. 

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