Friday, July 15, 2022

Friday Prayer


Please pray with me: Prodigal God, You continually care for us in life-changing ways.  We open our lives to You this day with both anticipation and some trepidation.  We long to live another way – reaching out and connecting to others.  We long to embrace and embody the wisdom of the Prodigal Father whose love met the sons where each was at.  We long to let the words of the Good Samaritan be gospel medicine to heal our sin-sick-frenzied-anxious-fear filled and often angry souls.  Yet, we are not sure we can.  We don’t know what others will think.  We are not sure we can afford the social capital cost of change.  We struggle to be love, even though we are Your beloved, because we are unsure this way of being in the world makes a difference.  We turn instead to scripts that promise us power and profit and possibility.  We cling to our ways, rather than running, like the Prodigal Father, toward acceptance and reconciliation of the “other”.  We hold back our time, talents, and treasures, passing by on the other side, rather than stopping to attend to those on life’s road.  Help us today live Your way.  Guide us with a presence and possibility that Your story, O God, is one that can bring healing and hope; life and light; grace and grounding to our hearts, our homes, our community, our church and our country.  In the name of the One whose stories still disrupt us in beautifully divine ways, Jesus the Christ. Amen. 

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