Friday, July 8, 2022

Friday Prayer


Prodigal God, You meet us in the messiness of life and in our certainty.  You meet us like a Mothering God clothing us with robe, ring, and sandals.  You remind us, like the Older Son, that we are “always with You.” Help us own our lostness.  Help us realize that repenting isn’t about blame or shame, but about a turning toward You.  Jolt us from ways of death ~ whether that is addiction or racing through life or holding resentment that causes our blood to boil ~ granting us strength to go toward life.  Help me like the younger son to come to my senses.  Help me put aside and away the joyless pouting of the older son.  Help me live in the Prodigal Father’s lavish love that You give each of us every day when we open our eyes to this day You have made.  In the name of the One whose Parables help us understand and live the good news of Your story, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

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