Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Prayers for the Ordinary


God of Tuesdays, where some of what was left undone yesterday greeted me with a “Good morning!” when I opened my eyes today.  God of appointments and to-dos lists that clamor for attention and energy.  God of blank, open, spaces when I might be tempted to fill with one more “thing” because the deep desire to be needed and necessary.  Meet each of us in this moment.  Thank you for rest last night, even for those moments we tossed and turned like Jacob who wrestled with You at night.  Remind us, O God, that life is not a math problem to solve, but a mystery to experience.  Thank you, O God, for cups of coffee and tea that warm us from the inside out.  Thank you for food that nourishes us, even for leftovers in our refrigerators or things we glance past in the cupboard.  Thank you for bowls of cereal and sandwiches and ripe, red strawberries or tomatoes or peppers.  Thank you for music that moves our souls.  Thank you for books that inform and inspire.  Thank you for friends we can call today to connect and catch up.  Thank you for this day.  May this minute of naming and noticing the goodness of life and offering our gratitude continue to be a way we move through every minute today.  Invite us to pause when we go to an appointment to give thanks for cars or people to drive us.  Awaken a thankful heart for doctors who see us and staff that cares for us.  Grant us words of gratitude for our church and Your love embodied in others.  Open our lives to sense the Sacredness of this Tuesday whatever may happen, trusting that You are with us.  May such trust continue to be a theme for countless Tuesdays to come.  In the name of the One who entrusted his whole life to You, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

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