Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Editing Our Life - Adding Music!!


How is co-authoring your story with the Sacred going?  Are there new insights that stirred and swirled when you went back to revise and rework what you had written from last week?


Now, I wonder, if there is a soundtrack that you are hearing?  It could be a song from years past or a hymn that you find yourself humming or a melody that stirs your soul.  Or you could go back to the chapter titles and consider a piece of music that would accompany/amplify the theme.  This could be music from popular culture or hymns or BOTH.


One of the pieces of music that saving my life, stirring in my soul right now is “O Love” by Elaine Hagenberg.  This anthem was inspired by the words of a Scottish minister, George Matheson.  He was blinded at age of 19.  If that wasn’t bad enough, his fiancĂ© called off their engagement.  Ouch.  That makes my soul ache.  Think about the kinds of words Matheson might have used to describe and define that time in his life, the chapter titles he would have chosen.  Then, on the eve of his sister’s wedding, he penned these words:


O Love that will not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee;
I give thee back the life I owe,
That in thy ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.

O Joy that seeks me through pain,
I cannot close my heart to thee;
I trace the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be.


I find such profound power in these words knowing a bit of the back story and what was happening in Matheson’s life.  How might you and I be open to the Holy Love that never lets us go?  How can we rest in the Eternal’s embrace?  The invitation to let go of clinging to control in life so we would be so caught up in the current of our Creator.  The invitation to be open to the rich fullness of God.  Hold that second verse about “joy that seeks me through the pain.”  How often do I close my heart to God in the times of pain?  Do I focus so much on the rain drops drenching that I miss the promise, presence, and possibility of God? 


I admit that I cannot listen to this anthem without tears in my eyes.  You can click on YouTube video above so you can listen to this anthem sing to your soul.  May God’s love that never lets you go embrace and enfold you every moment.  With great love and creativity and peace!

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