Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What's in Your Net Today?


When Tuesday arrives with a long list of things to do;

And the weather pattern of your soul is gloomy or blue;

You don’t know if you have the strength to see today through;

But you get up, get your coffee and cereal and start to chew;

You scan the headlines, your calendar (your net) searching for something new;

The internal clock says it’s time to go, up and at ‘em, put on your shoes;

You run though the drive through, bank, doctors, life spent in a queue;

You go about your day, so fast and frenzy, the scenery is a blurry view;

Suddenly, you remember the Easter promise, life holds another clue;

To slow down, breathe, hold lightly the good and bad, let God be the glue;

That you don’t have to push, pull, white-knuckle, control, and always stew;

There can be a way of life lived where you exhale and your souls says, “Whew.”

This is the day God has made and God’s love is seeking you to woo;

So you open your hands, heart, let God interrupt and get in a word too;

Let laughter be a prayer; and silence fill your soul; and grace in your heart brew.

There is another way to be in the world today, beyond the gray color of hue.

Rather a hope, peace, joy, and love that is seeking now to breakthrough.


I pray today, in this season of Easter, you will find playful and prayerful ways to move about your life.  I pray you will be surprised by the Sacred.  I pray you will be earnest and authentic.  I pray you will be honest and heartfelt as you fish your way through today.  And the above amateur poem of help you fish in life differently today.  With great love to you all!

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