Thursday, May 26, 2022

Prayer part two


Yesterday I invited you to listen and lean in to God’s still small voice.  One way you can do this is through five deep belly breaths with slow, controlled exhales.  Let’s do that now:

Breathing in through your nose a breath so deep the oxygen reaches your right pinkie toe.  Then, exhale slow and steady, pushing out all that pain or toxics that if kept inside could poison us. 

Breathing in through your nose, which are connected to your ears/eyes/mind.  Exhaling all the ways we can be so captivated by the cynical and critical ways of life.

Breathing in deeply the One who still sings to the depth within you.  Exhaling all the chatter that is saying, “You don’t have time for this slow breathing silliness right now!!”

Breathing in a love that will not let you go.  Exhaling all that which says, “You gotta keep struggling and striving, otherwise you won’t get anywhere.”

Breathing in stillness.  Exhaling noisiness.


Breathe and be.

Breathe and be.


In the stillness, what do you hear?


Listen.  Lean in.  May the Sacred sing you a soft lullaby that guides your whole day.  Amen.

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