Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day Meditation


On Tuesday, we named and noticed how Creation has a starring role on Easter Sunday.  From the darkness, light, stone rolled away, and the reference to Jesus as, “the gardener,” all remind us that Resurrection and renewal is part of the world around us and within us.  You are made up of the same substance as soil beneath your toes and stars above your heads.  More than that, there are the same number of atoms in the world today as when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Inside you could be atoms recycled, renewed, and re-created from DaVinci and Toni Morrison.  Creation teaches and tells us about resurrection.  Growing up I would watch trees in Iowa let loose leaves in the fall and bare tree limbs in the winter and then in the spring sprout green leaves of new life.  In this one example is an image of resurrection. The Psalmist knew this when s/he wrote, “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims God’s handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.  There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.”  When we listen to creation, we listen to the Voice of God.  Out in Creation we witness the marvels and mysteries of the Divine.  There are moments out in the wilderness we are reminded that we are connected to the Creator of all that is.  On this Earth Day, I pray you will take time to be out in Creation.  I pray you will walk in the beauty of God’s good earth, you will listen to birds singing, feel the wind, and realize that Creation is your brother and sister…you are intertwined and intertangled with what is below, beside, and beyond you.  Our church encourages you to find new ways to live your relationship with Creation.  You are encouraged in get involved in causes that help restore and replenish Creation.  You are invited to participate in efforts that lessen your carbon footprint and work toward changes that respond to the ways Earth is groaning under our demands.  You are always welcome to participate in our Green Team efforts and on Sunday, April 24, Rev. Dr. Sarah Melcher will preach and lead our Earth Day services at 9 (outside at the Oasis Center) and 11 am in the sanctuary and livestreamed.  May this Earth Day remind us that Easter calls us to care for all the world that God so loves.  Amen.

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