Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Lent with Lazarus ~ Asking Martha-Like Why Questions


When the stories of Scripture where originally told there were no titles.  So, the narrative we have been reading this Lent wasn’t known as, “The Rising/Resurrection of Lazarus”.  In fact, we may want to re-title this story, because while Lazarus is an important part of this narrative, he isn’t the main character.  Mary and Martha drive the story.  Martha, who in another story is busy in the kitchen getting the cheese and cracker platter together while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet; yet in this story, Martha is the first one out the door when she hears Jesus has drawn near.  With determination she goes out to meet Jesus, look him in the eye, and asks, “Why?”


What a faithful and fierce question.


What are your Martha-why questions in the world today?


I wonder why discrimination persists and plagues us?  Why do people support authoritarian leaders who cause suffering?  Why the violence in Ukraine and the heartbreaking images?  Why we “other” people?  Why do we continually push people to the fringe and fray?  Why we cling tightly both to scarcity (there is not enough!) but then try to consume and buy our way out of every problem?  I wonder why my heart can at once feel so full with God’s love and at the same time want to break/burst at all the pain? 

I wonder why…(fill in the blank)


Both Martha and Mary profess and confess faith.  Whereas the disciples are dazed and dense to what is going on; Martha and Mary hold their heads high and say, “This isn’t right, Jesus, and YOU can help here!”  That is prophetic and loving and powerful all at the same time. 


I wonder, who are the fiercely faithful women in your life?  Who has been a Martha – teaching and telling you to stand up for yourself and ask holy, hard questions?  Who is Mary – teaching and telling you that faith is taking the first step when you don’t see the whole staircase?


For me, I was blessed with a trinity of women – Pat, Linda, and Sue – who shaped my ministry in profound ways.  I am who I am because of Pat, Linda, and Sue.  These women nurtured me, led by example, and left their fingerprints forever on my heart. 


During Women’s History Month, let us name women whose legacy and life formed us.  Let us honor the fierce faithfulness of mothers, relatives, teachers, mentors, colleagues, and friends who showed us the sacred feminine that Proverbs calls, “Lady Wisdom” who sings with God’s soprano/alto voice to us still today.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for women who embodied Your holy love in profound ways.  Thank you for women we have known and female scholars whose words we have read.  Help us let loose our inner Martha and Mary in the world today – with a resurrection hope that is needed amid the ash of the world right now.  Renew, restore, refresh, and re-story our lives this day.  Amen.

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