Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Prayer


Week four of living inside the narrative of Lazarus is wrapping up and I pray letting loose new insights for you.  We have found ways to see ourselves specifically in Lazarus’ side of the story.  We have honored where we need to be set free and holy covenants that wrap and sustain us.  We have looked at the branches of our life.  We continue to listen and let this story speak to our story. 

God of liberating love, grant me the strength to look at the branches of my life.  Help me examine and explore where there is life and where a branch might be trimmed.  I hand to You the clippers, release control to Your wisdom which guides and grounds me.  Thank you for places where I feel released from “shoulds” and “have tos”.  Thank you for people I covenant with and give my life to tasting the sweet fruit of Your love.  Thank you for this season of Lent when You untie and free us.  Thank you for the question, “What is it you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?” (With deep thanks to Mary Oliver for this question).  You hold my life with me, thank you God.  Help me be set loose to live your love this day.  Amen.   

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