Monday, February 14, 2022

With Great Love


Happy Valentine’s Day!!  I know that too this day is too wrapped up in romantic love, but did you know that this is a sacred day for the church?  Did you know there was a Saint Valentine?  Actually, the Catholic Church recognizes three Saint Valentines!  And you thought today was only about chocolate.  One St. Valentine rebelled against an Emperor who forced men to stay single so they could be soldiers.  This St. Valentine married people in secret weddings, which feel free to start humming the music to Mission Impossible here.  This St. Valentine was unfortunately beheaded by the emperor.  To which you say, “Well thanks for that happy ending, Pastor Eeyore!”  Another St. Valentine helped people escape harsh Roman prisons but found himself in jail.  This St. Valentine apparently sent letters to a young lady, who we think was the jailor’s daughter, and he would sign the letters, “From your Valentine.”  If by now you are wondering, “Does Wes have chocolate related information for today?”  I thought you might ask.  Did you know, approximately 58 million pounds of chocolate has been purchased over the last week.  So, do your part…my favorite is dark chocolate. 

Why the history lesson?  I think part of the spirit of this day is to embrace and embody love.  Not just love between two married people, but a love that opens space and receives others as created in God’s image.  Remember we started this year by diving and dwelling in Mark 12:30-31 about loving God, neighbor, and self.  Today is a celebration of how love remains central to the character of God and who we are in God’s likeness.  You can show love for yourself by eating healthy (and enjoying some dark chocolate too); going for a walk; or resting if you are weary.  You can show love for others by being kind to the person who bags your groceries at the store or your waiter/waitress at a restaurant if you go out.  You can show love for God through singing a song of praise for the way God’s presence feeds and fuels your life. 

This week we are going to turn and tune into the hymn, Praise to the Living God.  The words were written by Rev. Dr. Curtis Beach, who was a UCC pastor.  Rev. Beach lived in the 20th Century, 1914-1993.  I love that this is a relatively recent hymn from our own denomination.  For today, ponder this question: how might you praise God in loving ways?  How might you share in the promise and possibility that love reconciles, renews, and restores us to whose we are?  How can you begin this week grounded in a love that makes all the difference? 

Happy Valentine’s Day with great love to you all.

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...